为了提高生产效率,能源是一个重要的组成部分。 从小型企业到数百万个行业,需要消耗能源才能产生一种产量,以便以后为组织带来收入。 我们提供T@Power distribution,T@Energy Management和 T@Motor control,帮助您优化功率。
互感器又称为仪用变压器,是电流互感器和电压互感器的统称。 能将高电压变成低电压、大电流变成小电流,用于量测或保护系统。 其功能主要是将高电压或大电流按比例变换成标准低电压(100V)或标准小电流(5A或1A,均指额定值),以便实现测量仪表、保护设备及自动控制设备的标准化、小型化。
LoRa means Long Range Radio. It travels farther away than other wireless methods under the same power consumption conditions. It achieves low power consumption and long-distance uniformity. Lora communication distance is 3-5 times than traditional wireless RF in the same power consumption.
Power factor is an important parameter to measure the efficiency of electrical equipment. The high power factor indicates that the reactive power of the circuit for alternating magnetic field conversion is small, the utilization rate of the device is high. Low power factor indicates the reactive power of the circuit for alternating magnetic field conversion is large, which reduces the utilization rate of the device and increases line power loss. Compere provides capacitor, reactance, active filter, power factor controller, etc. to increase power factor and reduce the line power loss.
Normally, temperature information of the high low voltage power distribution equipment can directly reflect the operating state, such as the dynamic and static contacts of the circuit breaker, the busbar lap joint, the cable head and other parts, which are critical heating points and not easy to measure. The wireless temperature sensors are used to solve this problem.
河南康派智能技术有限公司是一家专注于电力智能领域的高科技企业。 我们为全球用户提供电能质量监测产品和能源管理系统。 我们以“分销互联,绿色能源效率”为使命,为世界能源的有效利用提供系统的解决方案。
河南康派智能技术有限公司是河南许继信息有限公司的子公司。河南许继信息有限公司下属企业一百多家,致力于推进智能化信息技术在税务信息化、公共安全、电气智能化等各个领域的应用,年营业额超过30亿人民币。 康派智能专注于电力智能化领域,为全球用户提供电能质量监测产品、智能通讯设备和能源管理系统服务。我们以“配电互联,绿色能效”为使命,为世界能源的高效使用提供系统化的解决方案。
https://v4-upload.goalsites.com/267/editor_1560476609_KPM31 specification.pdf
https://v4-upload.goalsites.com/267/editor_1560476571_KPM10 specification.pdf
https://v4-upload.goalsites.com/267/editor_1560476534_Compere wireless temperature sensor introduction.pdf
https://v4-upload.goalsites.com/267/editor_1560476280_康派智能产品画册 V1.0.pdf
https://v4-upload.goalsites.com/267/editor_1560474923_Split core current transfomer user manual V2.1.pdf
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